martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009


He was tall, he was strong, he was cold, his face was red, he had big gray eyes, he had black hair... does this sounds like the Dracula that your know?

Well this gays are not the real Dracula...

Vlad Tepes Draculea, Prince of Wallachia, more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler, the real one, the bad, he was born on 1431 in Wallachia now Romania, and died in a battle on 1476, so why this dude was so bad, well because he used to impal his enemies, and his neighbors, and all the people who cross in his way.

How they impal persons, well he put this long stick of wood, rigth through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth, and some specialist, sais that they could be alive for hours even for days, once, he get imapaled a gay who said somenthing abouth the smelling of the dead bodies, and the orders was to use a longer stick were the smell can't reach him.


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

We are Pirates

do you need a program that cost 1000 dollars, well this time we are PIRATES!! JAJAJA, we will bring you a list of webpages were you can download this kind of programs, games and movies.

The fisrt taht you need is a really good antivirus, because is not all honey on konrflakes.
Now you can search in google, for that program usually it appears for free, but the most of the times is a virus.
The first page is: were you can download many kind of games for Pc, and all consoles, including NES, this page belongs to a group of pages like, gratisprogramas, gratismusica, etc.
Tododrivers is can save you if you erase all your datas from your pc and dont have a back up. is the number 1 if you are bored you can find movies, animes, series and documentals, and in the most of the cases you can download it. the number 2 is, brings a lot of programs for Pc, windows and mac, this could help you to pass the clas of math whit programs like mathlab, minitab, etc.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


Well no body will care of this but, I remeber a question, what are you listening at currently? weeeeell  in that day I didnt have an answer, but now, What I am lintening?

 Emilie Autumn, I love her music, because its really diferent that I have lintening before,  she is a singer-songwriter, poet, and violinist, she plays Cabaret, Electronica, Classical, Folk, New Age and Steampunk.

Te other is Stolen Babies, avant-garde metal band with significant influences from dark cabaret

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Remember is life

Do you remember the trip to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato? It was a very funny experience, I hope and soon we return to travel all together. I believe that this image was the one that all we like... remember?


Well, now I speaks about the Angels, I like to dream that they exist and that they have intervention in our life. I collect pictures like these.

Hello my friends!!!

In this ocasion I am going to speak to you of a bad comment about our school, is a article in the Internet that speaks very bad of all the maganers. The article is called crisis in the Unipoli.
You draw your own conclusions.

who is the famous Mr. MOODLE???


All the time they say, enter on moodle for downlod any homework or information.
enter on moodle for watch the results.

BUT why we say moodle??

Im going to find on internet...

The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Environment Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning).

Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, who was in the WebCT administrator at Curtin University of Technology. He based his design on the ideas of constructivism in teaching which claim that knowledge is constructed in the mind of the student instead of being transmitted unchanged from books or teaching and collaborative learning.

My Own Opinion Abouth This World

Futurama VS Terminator


All days I wake up and see arround this beathifull world and I think " wF is going on?".

You see, I get up and go to school, it takes me 30 minutes, so I think in the furure of this magnifecent world, and in the people who lives here. Many questions fall in my mind like, why people asking for mony in the streets can get a lot of mony more than that who have a job? or, where are the aliens?, does realy exist?, where is the chapo? and who cares anyway!!!

So the biggest question is: how will be our wolrd in the future?, it will be like Futurama? or Terminator?, or will be just like is now, I tink it will not change, yes we need to, but what could change the minds of the world, well I can tink in only one thing, the Terminator, yes if you se the nations of de WWII and WWI how is they economy, and there is too many people in the world now, jaja, just kiding.

well thats my opinion,
  • In the next post: Dracula really exists? yes he does
  • Darck Words From A Darck Side of My Mind: Theater von Tragödien(Spanish)


Algunas frases en inglés para poder sobrevivir una estancia en Inglaterra, los Estados Unidos, u otro país. Estas frases inglesas te sacarán de un apuro, aunque debes tener un diccionario a mano si quieres comprender la respuesta.
Frases en inglés

Excuse me please, I'm lost. Could you tell me how to get to
Where is the nearest toilet please?
Where is the nearest police station please?
What is your name?
Do you have the time please?
Could I use your mobile phone please?
Could you bring me the bill please?
Can I pay by credit card?
Is there a bank near here?
Where is the nearest tube station?
What time does the shop/restaurant/pub/art gallery/museum... close?
I want to go to ______, could you tell me when to get off please?
Where can I catch a taxi?
Is there an Internet café near here?
You are starting to bother me. Leave me alone!
I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you just said. Could you repeat it for me please?
What time is the train expected?
Is the flight on time?
Are there any good, cheap hotels near the station?
Could you recommend a good hotel/bed and breakfast/restaurant..
I am very tired, so I'm going to bed now. Good night
Good morning, did you sleep well?
What are we going to do today?
Is it expected to rain tomorrow?What kind of clothes should I wear to the meeting/party/theatre....

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009


Hi everybody (or anyone) i have smoething to tell you, rigth now, I have finished my own logo for the career of ITMI, now I most wait maybe they approve it, that would be GREAT!! but I hope you like it, and here is...

Oviusly it have its meaning, but i dont have time to explain it here.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

This is new

NOW, this is our new page, and it’s because... nomaaas! and, what is that word? Well "nomas" is that can save you to answer this question, why are you doing this? And if you don’t know why, or don’t want to answer it, you just say, pos nomas.
We may update this site continuously whit something interesting, thought, bad things will happen if we don’t, so stay there and keep surfing