viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009


Robots in the home!!! Now is posible

Now it is possible to have a robot in house can carries out tasks of a housewife, women in the home have more free time for attent their children. A disadvantage of these robots is that they are going to make the human being more lasy.

The fairys!!!!

A fairy is a fantastic creature, personified generally in the form of beautiful woman, who according to the tradition is a protector of the nature, product of the imagination, the traditions or the beliefs and pertaining to that fabulous world of the elfos, gnomos, genies, sirens and giants. They are represented with beatiful wings like a butterfly.

in these times be careful

if you go shopping take care of what you do since there are persons who devote themselves to the fraud. first:

  1. do not buy things that you doubt of us origin.

  2. do not buy things that are not in his packing or have no stationery if it is anything very expensive.

  3. in the places of meal normally they sell to the double of price there investigates which is the normal price.

  4. if you buy some electronic device make sure that it should be work correctly. if they you sell blindly the surest thing the fact is that it does not work. the price says everything.

Do you believe in ufos??

Many people say that they have seen ufos in different parts of the world, but it is certain that there is life in other planets? what would happen if there is life beyond the universe and are waiting to come and to share knowledge. There are many questions that still have not been responded, only you decide to believe. For that reason I ask, do you believe in ufos?

How to motivate your work team?

All the actual companies need their workers motivated to do their work better and more productive, is difficult to work with people because all are different. Some techniques of motivation are:
Repeat positive forms to say hello.
Hugs between all.
Celebrate all the birthdays.
Put quotas and command to buy something to eat together.
Celebrate the day of work .
By the celebrations of Christmas and year end had lunch or had dinner together.
Qualification permanent.

recommendations for you if be bored in vacation

  • you can go to rent a few movies like
  • happy feet or up because the kids are been in house.
  • you can go to a mall or only go to visit to someone thath dont see in long time.
  • you can go to see a trditional born in the park.
  • parties in the diferens dance centers there arent cold.

Bad cartoons for children`s

Some cartoons cause violence in the children, furthermore limit their imagination, some of these cartoons are:
Esponge Bob
Magical godfathers
The superpowerful girls
These cartoons teach to the children to get away with, promote the badness and teach idiot phrases.

some Christmas pleasantries

Two madmen are preparing the Christmas tree and one he says to other: Warn me if the lights are lit and other he answers him: Yes ... not ... yes ... not smile please.

What gave Batman to his mom for Christmas? A batidora.

In Christmas Luis goes to the North Pole with Saint Claus and asks him: - I want a good mom. On the following day Luis touches to the door and his mom opens to him. Of that time Luis returns to the North Pole and claims Saint: - I asked that a good, and Holy breast answers: - your breast is already good. Of that time Luis says: if skylight, you say it for that it does not scold you.

Benefits of red wine!!!

I read that many studies investigated the benefits of red wine suggested that moderate amount of red wine (one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men) lowers the risk of heart attack, in this page

It`s a really interesting information for the drunk`s!!!

hello happy Christmas and happy new year

I wish all to have a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year that for all saint comes with many gifts. do not take very much and if they salt of trip please with a lot of care. one of my wishes is to have my friends next to me. so look after. many goals be proposed for 2010, goals that seem unattainable so that you fulfill those that actually we want. bye.

To the end vacations (ADVICE)

oh. after a long stressful cuatrimester to the end a few fully deserved vacation, but in some cases since we have to do to the idea of that will be finished, during the vacation we have to work to be able to pay the following inscription.
but it dont care. at least we go out of the routine and wake up a little later of the normal thing.
we have to put oneself on the batteries to be able to finish well the following one because only we lack two peridos and we end to the end.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

Free thing SUCKS

I know I have writen in school of this, but is somthing that i most say.

YES Free tv, free radio, free internet are rally bad, once I was watching the WWE on the Canal 5, and the "most amazing figth in the year" was the undertaker and kane, a really good figth, but in all the program were only 3 or 4 cuts of comercials, and in the beginig of the amazing figth one, in the midle of the presentations, the second, at the end of the presentations, the third, and a hole bunch of cuts durning the figth.

In other case, there was a movie, and some of the actors was chinese thougth, so they speak in chinese oviusly, and they put subtitles, buuuuuut!!! on the subtitles they put a big announcement abouth la academia, so i dont know what they say.


To day I gona write abouth love, but not the nice one, that kind of love that are not answered, specificly abouth those poples who fall in love whit poeople that only are nice whit them.

Do they really think they are loved by the other???? because the create they own feelling, I mean, they think people are good because they whant somthing, like a raltinship, maybe because they would do that, maybe they are good persons whit the ones who are atractive to them.

I actualy know a cuple of guys that do that, and they one mont are crazy whit a girl, the next whit another, and the list still contunue, they make true the sentence, boys and girls cant be friends.

Libe ist fur alle da

The love is out there for all, is the new album of rammstein, Ten has pass between the last one, and the firts song Rammlied is the esence of the rammstein music, I am now trying to download the hole album, an at the end ill burn a CD and listen to it all the nigth

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

Hi. I Invit to Know A beautiful place.




lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

hi. today I will not talk about anything cars, I promise. because the teacher says that I always thinking about it.well he is the teacher, I can do?. jajaja ja ja.

today I'm going to tell something of motorcycles, haha. knew that the bikes were invented in 1867 by Sylvestre Howard Roper (1823-1896)
built a bike with table and four wooden wheels and internal combustion engine in 1885. His speed was 18 km / h and development 0.5 hp motor.
Gottlieb Daimler used a new engine invented by engineer Nikolaus August Otto. Otto invented the first internal combustion engine four stroke in 1876. He called it "Otto Cycle Engine" and as soon as completed, Daimler (a former employee of Otto) made him a motorcycle that some historians consider the first in history.
In 1894 Hildebrand and Wolfmüller presented in Munich's first mass-produced motorcycle and light commercial purposes. The Wolfmüller Hildebrand and remained in production until 1897.Los Russian brothers settled in Eugene and Michel Werner Paris mounted an engine on a bicycle. The initial model with the motor on the front wheel began manufacturing in 1897.

in my very particular opinion and I am only for connoisseurs it is really interesting. I said.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

True or false

Hello today I talk you about the aperance of the people. The people of the city live more good than the people of the farms? If you live in the country and have 25 years old you aparent 35 because the live in the farms is more bad than the city?
For example, the last weekend my family and me go to Rodeo and my dad and mom say hello to your friends and my dad say me what the people that he meet when he has jounger now are very very old, and the other friend what live in Durango are more joung and are at the same age. What is your opinion?

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

My Own Opinion About Continuous Improvement

In the UNIPOLI, house of all the ones who was rejected, teaches in almost all the clases about Continuos Improvement, but my personality makes me look in the defect of this.

Have you ever think why our teachers really know things that we cant understand, well they are allways saying, you are locky, you have this tools that we never use, you need to do this and that. OK when things are hard people improve it self, when things are easy, people... well no one do somenthing. That is the bad face of the continuous improvement when the TV was expensive or was new, everyone who can read, reads, now every who can read, read the subtitles of the TV and movies, when they are not available to get in their lenguage. In the past people met people, now people chat whit people, the famus COPY-PASTE, was a really good improvement??, well it meakes easy for us, but do we really learn, no we dont.

Other defect that I see, well in my own opinion thecnology is not impuving their things, they'rejust making more things in one, lets see this, PlayStation 2 starts in 2000 o 3000 pesos, PlayStation 3 which has the power of two PS2, now costs 8000 pesos, thats not an impruvement, they just put two things togeter. A really improvement will be when the PlayStation 4 is send, it doesnt reach the 3000 pesos, now that is a really impruvement, The same thing at less cost or the new one at the same, beacause if you see Continuous Improvement only make thing expensive and useless the ones that we allready have.

  • In the next post: My Own Opinion About VIDEO GAMES
  • Dark Words From A Darck Side of My Mind: Theater von Tragödien(Spanish)

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009


Well Well Well, Is the biggest army the stonger one?

Check this now

Country Army     Personnel

China                  1,600,000

India                   1,100,000

North Korea         950,000

South Korea         560,000

Pakistan               550,000

USA                    477,800

Vietnam               412,000

Turkey                402,000

Iraq                    321,000

Russia                321,000

But the ones who knows abouth this say "It's a very large military. It's a very old military," says Tom McNaugher, a China analyst for the Rand Corp. "In fact, two scholars recently referred to it ... as the world's largest military museum."

But we dont really know, only war could give us an answer.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

recalling an exciting movie

recalling an exciting movie


The story takes place in 1985 and follows the adventures of 17-year old Marty McFly, who lives with his parents and siblings in Hill Valley, California. Marty's best friend is a scientist, "Doc" Emmett Brown, one day asks Marty to help with his latest invention, which happens to be a time machine built into a DeLorean car. After testing the invention and make a successful test, which consists of traveling to "Einstein" (Doc's dog) a minute in the future, Doc proceeded to explain to Marty how the time machine, and displays the " flux capacitor ", which basically makes time travel possible. However, the capacitor requires a quantity of electricity of 1.21 gigawatts generated through a bit of plutonium that Doc had stolen some Libyan terrorists. They appear suddenly in a van after learning of the deception and shoot to Dr. Brown in front of Marty. Marty, to escape the dangerous encounter with terrorists, gets into the DeLorean and accidentally travels to the past 30 years, appearing in 1955, when his parents were teenagers. That Marty realizes that it has plutonium for its time and again, while trying to find a way back to his time, has an encounter with their parents, which will cause that in future they do not know and marry, Marty and this will slowly start to be wiped from existence.


miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

What say the colors about you

I was reading about the colors in the clothes and your significate. What is your favorite color?
Good lucky whit yous answer!!!!
White color:This it is the color of the sensible people, and sometimes too innocent, who know to appreciate the good things of the others, they work through its heart. They are people who cannot support the violence. Between the people who choose this color as their favourite are not people of bad intentions, jealous or violent, quite the opposite, is people who look for La Paz with themselves.
Black color: The black color defines a type of sophisticated, elegant personality and little given to the extroversión. It does not scare the solitude to them, on the contrary, are people whom they prefer to be single with all experiences and their inner world.
Blue color :The blue one is the one of the preservative people who know to listen the others, very sensible with respect to the feelings of the beings to whom they want. They are faithful friendly of his friendly and they like the tranquillity of a life without frights nor surprises. That does not mean that they are not great dreamy, are it, but never they try to carry out its fantasies.
Red color :The women whom they like to dress in this color are impulsivas, with great energy to confront the day to day. It is the color of the love par excellence, because she excites the circulation and the senses. They are people with very high doses of optimism and also with a strong sexual appetite.
Yellow color: It is the symbol of the spirituality, the yellow defines a compassionate woman who knows to suffer by the others, quite shared in common. Although often it remains only in theories without happening to the practice. Imaginative people, cheer and creative who although do not seem it, they can be great timid. To those who they like to dress the color of the sun they are active people whom they mainly like to be respected.
See you later guys!!! and girls!!!

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009

for lovers of adrenalin

exists for years a autodromo in the city of Durango, and although it seems there are nearly 100 cars modified.

there lived an atmosphere of friendship with the other competitors and those who are only going to see, nothing happens if you go with your normal car and want to know what time you have that reaction. only that it is addictive and that there starts the desire to equip your car more and more

the appointment is all Saturdays at 5 pm.


All peolpe thiks that demons are the evil or part of him, others thinks that they  dont even exists, ok taht is the most comon way of think, but there are people who think in diferent way, these peolple are the satanist, thery're not the satanics, are diferent thougths, they think that they can live whit the demons in pace, talk, and even have sex whit them, strange isn't?, well these people say that the demons have never take possesion of the persons, because demons never stay in a place where no one whant him, and when the do it, is because the gay wants.

Demons know everything, and they can help you and take care of you, oviusly when you have the word of satan, or something like that. you can call a demon using only a stantanist text, because if you use books like the book of San Cipriano, you are in really danger.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009


He was tall, he was strong, he was cold, his face was red, he had big gray eyes, he had black hair... does this sounds like the Dracula that your know?

Well this gays are not the real Dracula...

Vlad Tepes Draculea, Prince of Wallachia, more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler, the real one, the bad, he was born on 1431 in Wallachia now Romania, and died in a battle on 1476, so why this dude was so bad, well because he used to impal his enemies, and his neighbors, and all the people who cross in his way.

How they impal persons, well he put this long stick of wood, rigth through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth, and some specialist, sais that they could be alive for hours even for days, once, he get imapaled a gay who said somenthing abouth the smelling of the dead bodies, and the orders was to use a longer stick were the smell can't reach him.


lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

We are Pirates

do you need a program that cost 1000 dollars, well this time we are PIRATES!! JAJAJA, we will bring you a list of webpages were you can download this kind of programs, games and movies.

The fisrt taht you need is a really good antivirus, because is not all honey on konrflakes.
Now you can search in google, for that program usually it appears for free, but the most of the times is a virus.
The first page is: were you can download many kind of games for Pc, and all consoles, including NES, this page belongs to a group of pages like, gratisprogramas, gratismusica, etc.
Tododrivers is can save you if you erase all your datas from your pc and dont have a back up. is the number 1 if you are bored you can find movies, animes, series and documentals, and in the most of the cases you can download it. the number 2 is, brings a lot of programs for Pc, windows and mac, this could help you to pass the clas of math whit programs like mathlab, minitab, etc.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


Well no body will care of this but, I remeber a question, what are you listening at currently? weeeeell  in that day I didnt have an answer, but now, What I am lintening?

 Emilie Autumn, I love her music, because its really diferent that I have lintening before,  she is a singer-songwriter, poet, and violinist, she plays Cabaret, Electronica, Classical, Folk, New Age and Steampunk.

Te other is Stolen Babies, avant-garde metal band with significant influences from dark cabaret

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Remember is life

Do you remember the trip to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato? It was a very funny experience, I hope and soon we return to travel all together. I believe that this image was the one that all we like... remember?


Well, now I speaks about the Angels, I like to dream that they exist and that they have intervention in our life. I collect pictures like these.

Hello my friends!!!

In this ocasion I am going to speak to you of a bad comment about our school, is a article in the Internet that speaks very bad of all the maganers. The article is called crisis in the Unipoli.
You draw your own conclusions.

who is the famous Mr. MOODLE???


All the time they say, enter on moodle for downlod any homework or information.
enter on moodle for watch the results.

BUT why we say moodle??

Im going to find on internet...

The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Environment Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning).

Moodle was created by Martin Dougiamas, who was in the WebCT administrator at Curtin University of Technology. He based his design on the ideas of constructivism in teaching which claim that knowledge is constructed in the mind of the student instead of being transmitted unchanged from books or teaching and collaborative learning.

My Own Opinion Abouth This World

Futurama VS Terminator


All days I wake up and see arround this beathifull world and I think " wF is going on?".

You see, I get up and go to school, it takes me 30 minutes, so I think in the furure of this magnifecent world, and in the people who lives here. Many questions fall in my mind like, why people asking for mony in the streets can get a lot of mony more than that who have a job? or, where are the aliens?, does realy exist?, where is the chapo? and who cares anyway!!!

So the biggest question is: how will be our wolrd in the future?, it will be like Futurama? or Terminator?, or will be just like is now, I tink it will not change, yes we need to, but what could change the minds of the world, well I can tink in only one thing, the Terminator, yes if you se the nations of de WWII and WWI how is they economy, and there is too many people in the world now, jaja, just kiding.

well thats my opinion,
  • In the next post: Dracula really exists? yes he does
  • Darck Words From A Darck Side of My Mind: Theater von Tragödien(Spanish)


Algunas frases en inglés para poder sobrevivir una estancia en Inglaterra, los Estados Unidos, u otro país. Estas frases inglesas te sacarán de un apuro, aunque debes tener un diccionario a mano si quieres comprender la respuesta.
Frases en inglés

Excuse me please, I'm lost. Could you tell me how to get to
Where is the nearest toilet please?
Where is the nearest police station please?
What is your name?
Do you have the time please?
Could I use your mobile phone please?
Could you bring me the bill please?
Can I pay by credit card?
Is there a bank near here?
Where is the nearest tube station?
What time does the shop/restaurant/pub/art gallery/museum... close?
I want to go to ______, could you tell me when to get off please?
Where can I catch a taxi?
Is there an Internet café near here?
You are starting to bother me. Leave me alone!
I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you just said. Could you repeat it for me please?
What time is the train expected?
Is the flight on time?
Are there any good, cheap hotels near the station?
Could you recommend a good hotel/bed and breakfast/restaurant..
I am very tired, so I'm going to bed now. Good night
Good morning, did you sleep well?
What are we going to do today?
Is it expected to rain tomorrow?What kind of clothes should I wear to the meeting/party/theatre....

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009


Hi everybody (or anyone) i have smoething to tell you, rigth now, I have finished my own logo for the career of ITMI, now I most wait maybe they approve it, that would be GREAT!! but I hope you like it, and here is...

Oviusly it have its meaning, but i dont have time to explain it here.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

This is new

NOW, this is our new page, and it’s because... nomaaas! and, what is that word? Well "nomas" is that can save you to answer this question, why are you doing this? And if you don’t know why, or don’t want to answer it, you just say, pos nomas.
We may update this site continuously whit something interesting, thought, bad things will happen if we don’t, so stay there and keep surfing